Ewald Notter’s influence on modern-day confectionery arts spans several decades. At the age of 27, he set up his first school dedicated to the art of sugar in Zurich,
Switzerland, followed by schools in Gaithersburg, MD, and Orlando, FL. He has
conducted classes and demonstrations extensively in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Ewald has starred in 4 videos on Sugar & Chocolate Decoration for the Culinary Institute of America and has published 4 books, which have become classic references in English & German. Aside from his numerous individual accolades, he was also part of the 1999 and 2000 US National Champion Teams and the only gold medal-winning US Team at the 2001 Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie in Lyon, France, scoring the highest-ever recorded number of points for sugar. He was the first professional inducted into the Pastry Art and Design Hall
of Fame.
Ewald continues to teach, coach, and judge internationally while maintaining his latest venture as a partner at Dote Coffee Bar with five locations in Bellevue and Redmond in Washington State.
Current name of business – Dote Coffee Bar
Current job title – Co-Owner
How many years in the industry – 50+ years
Pastry Area of Expertise - Sugar/Chocolate Showpieces, Chocolate Bonbons
Social media handles - @Ewald_Notter
Favorite Quote/saying: “Do something once, you get what you get. Do something a
hundred times, you get what you want.”